Virus in Orchids

by Mike Harrison Viruses are a group of minute infections agents characterised by a lack of independent metabolism, and the ability to replicate only within the living cells of the host organism. As such they are obligate parasites. There has been some debate about...

Understanding your Orchids

by Phil Spence It is hard to know what to do with your orchids for example when to feed and when to water what to spray with etc., as every one and every book has a different way. After 40 years of experience I feel I can give the amateur and expert some guidelines to...


Plants use inorganic minerals for nutrition, whether grown in the field or in a container. Complex interactions involving weathering of rock minerals, decaying organic matter, animals, and microbes take place to form inorganic minerals in soil. Roots absorb mineral...

Maintaining Your Collection

Repotting Time Late September or early October in Sydney is the time that you should be doing the majority of your potting as most of the spring flowers have finished and all the young plants are starting to put on new growths, or will be soon. It’s time to look at a...

Natural Insecticides

Here are a few toxic recipes for the nasty bugs. GARLIC SPRAY Is for small pests and general plant protection. Chop 90g of raw garlic and soak in 2 tablespoons of paraffin oil for 24 hours. Slowly add 600ml of water into which 7 g of soft soap has been dissolved. Stir...